Call for Predictions
Monday May 14th to Friday June 8th 2007
Participant |
Dates |
Jane Alam (VECC) |
May 14th - May 28th |
Javier L. Albacete (Ohio State) |
May 28th - June 2nd |
Dmitry Antonov (Heidelberg) |
May 21st - June 2nd |
Néstor Armesto (Santiago
de Compostela) |
May 14th - May 18th and May 28th
- June 2nd |
Alejandro Ayala (UNAM
México) |
May 20th - June 8th |
Gergely G. Barnafoldi (RMKI Budapest) | May 28th - June 8th |
Steffen A. Bass (Duke) |
May 28th - June 2nd |
Björn Bäuchle
(Bergen) |
May 29th - June 8th |
Francesco Becattini (Florence) |
May 27th - June 7th |
Barbara Betz (Frankfurt) |
May 30th - June 1st |
Marcus Bleicher (Frankfurt) |
May 28th - June 2nd |
Marcus Bluhm (Dresden) |
May 29th - June 2nd |
Daniel Boer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) | May 28th - June 2nd |
Fritz W. Bopp (Siegen) |
May 25th - June 3rd |
Nicolas Borghini (Bielefeld) |
May 21st - June 2nd |
Larissa Bravina (Oslo) |
May 28th - June 3rd |
Wit Busza (MIT) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Matteo Cacciari (Paris VI) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Alfons Capella (LPT Orsay) |
May 29th - June 2nd |
Jorge Casalderrey-Solana (LBL) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Wolfgang Cassing (Giessen) |
June 3rd -June 5th |
Andrea Dainese (Padova) |
May 28th - June 1st |
Jorge Dias de Deus (IST Lisbon) |
June 1st - June 6th |
Dennis D. Dietrich (Heidelberg) |
May 21st - May 25th |
Magdalena Djordjevic (Ohio State) |
May 27th - June 2nd |
Igor Dremin (LPI) |
May 14th - June 8th |
David d'Enterria (CERN) |
May 14th - June 2nd |
Kari Eskola (Jyväskylä) | May 28th - June 2nd |
Elena G. Ferreiro (Santiago de
Compostela) |
May 29th - June 2nd |
Rainer J. Fries (Texas A&M) |
May 16th - June 6th |
Carsten Greiner (Frankfurt) |
May 29th - June 2nd |
Miklos Gyulassy (FIAS
Frankfurt/Columbia) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Francesco Hautmann (Regensburg) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Hendrik van Hees (Texas A&M) | May 28th - June 8th |
Ulrich Heinz (Ohio State) |
May 27th - June 8th |
William Horowitz (Columbia) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Edmond Iancu (Saclay) |
May 29th - June 8th |
Jamal Jalilian-Marian (Baruch
College, NY) |
May 28th - June 6th |
Sangyong Jeon (McGill) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki) |
June 1st - June 8th |
Frithjof Karsch (BNL) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Dmitri Kharzeev (BNL) |
May 14th - May 20th |
Che-Ming Ko (Texas A&M) |
May 28th - June 2nd |
Boris Kopeliovich
(Valparaíso) |
May 29th - June 5th |
Alex Kovner (Connecticut) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Michael Kozlov (Bielefeld) |
May 27th - June 8th |
Ingrid Kraus (GSI) |
May 28th - June 2nd |
Alexey Kurepin (INR Moscow) |
May 28th - June 3rd |
Su-Houng Lee (Yonsei University,
Seoul) |
May 31st - June 2nd |
Peter Levai (RMKI Budapest) |
May 16th - May 28th |
Igor Lokhtin (Moscow State
University) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Magno Machado (UNIPAMPA, Brazil) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Abhijit Majumder (Duke) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Cristina Manuel (ICE-IEEC Barcelona) | May 27th - June 6th |
José Guilherme Milhano
(IST Lisbon) |
May 21st - June 2nd |
Agnes Mocsy (BNL) |
May 25th - June 3rd |
Denes Molnar (Purdue) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Berndt Muller (Duke) |
May 28th - June 3rd |
Marzia Nardi (INFN Torino) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Harri Niemi (Jyväskylä) | May 28th - June 2nd |
Helmut Oeschler (GSI) |
May 28th - June 1st |
Jean-Yves Ollitrault (Saclay) |
May 28th - June 2nd |
Carlos Pajares (Santiago de
Compostela) |
May 29th - June 8th |
Tanguy Pierog (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) | May 29th - May 31st |
Hans-Jürgen Pirner
(Heidelberg) |
May 29th - June 2nd |
Sarah Porteboeuf (Subatech) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Johann Rafelski (Arizona) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Johannes Ranft (Siegen) |
May 29th - June 2nd |
Claudia Ratti (ECT*) |
June 4th - June 8th |
Redlich (Wroclaw) |
May 29th - June 2nd |
Thorsten Renk
(Jyväskylä) |
May 28th - June 3rd |
Amir H. Rezaeian (Valparaíso) | May 14th - June 8th |
Carlos A. Salgado (Roma La
Sapienza) |
May 27th - June 8th |
Ina Sarcevic (Arizona) |
May 27th - June 8th |
Sourav Sarkar (VECC) | May 14th - June 2nd |
Helmut Satz (Bielefeld) |
May 20th - June 2nd |
Ivan Schmidt (Valparaíso) | May 29th - June 3rd |
Bikash Sinha (Saha and VECC) |
May 14th - May 21st |
Yuri Sinyukov (BITP, Kiev) |
May 14th - June 2nd |
Alexander M. Snigirev (Moscow
State University) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Brijesh Srivastava (Purdue) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Horst Stöcker (Frankfurt) | May 31st - June 2nd |
Robert L. Thews (Arizona) |
May 27th - June 8th |
Vasile Topor Pop (McGill) |
May 23rd - June 8th |
Donato G. Torrieri (Frankfurt) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Kirill Tuchin (Iowa State) |
May 27th - June 4th |
Konrad Tywoniuk (Oslo) |
May 28th - June 2nd |
Antonio Vairo (Milano) |
May 22nd - June 6th |
Ivan Vitev (LANL) |
May 27th - June 3rd |
Ramona Vogt (LBL and Davis) |
May 28th - June 2nd |
Xin-Nian Wang (LBL) |
May 28th - June 8th |
Klaus Werner (Subatech) |
June 4th - June 8th |
Erik Wessels (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) |
May 28th - June 2nd |
Simon Wicks (Columbia) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Barbara Wosiek (Kracow) |
May 29th - June 2nd |
Wen-Chang Xiang (Bielefeld) |
May 14th - June 8th |
Evgeny Zabrodin (Oslo) |
May 29th - June 2nd |
Korinna Zapp (Heidelberg) |
May 29th - June 2nd |