Aula Magna, Facultade de Física, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

February 10th-11th 2006


Session I: Percolation and collective effects (Friday 10th, 9.30-11.00),
Chairperson: M. A. Braun

$\bullet$ 9.30-9.35: Welcome (N. Armesto/C. Pajares, USC) [5]

$\bullet$ 9.35-10.00: Fluctuations and correlations in pp and nucleus-nucleus collisions (J. Dias de Deus, IST) [20+5]

$\bullet$ 10.00-10.25: Effects of Clustering on Fluctuations and Correlations (E. G. Ferreiro, USC) [20+5]

$\bullet$ 10.25-10.50: High $p_T$ associated multiplicity and percolation of color sources (L. Cunqueiro, USC) [20+5]

$\bullet$ 10.50-11.30: Particle number fluctuations and correlations in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions from microscopic transport approaches (M. Bleicher, Frankfurt) [35+5]

11.30-12.00: coffee break

Colloquium for a general audience: The nature of deconfinement,
H. Satz, Bielefeld/IST
(Friday 10th, 12.00-13.00), Chairperson: C. Pajares

13.00-14.30: lunch break

Session II: J/$\psi$ (Friday 10th, 14.30-16.45),
Chairperson: M. Bleicher

$\bullet$ 14.30-15.00: Charmonia studies from the NA50 Experiment (H. Santos, LIP) [25+5]

$\bullet$ 15.00-15.20: Low mass results from NA60 (J. Seixas, IST) [15+5]

$\bullet$ 15.20-15.40: Prompt and displaced muon production in Indium-Indium collisions (A. David, CERN) [15+5]

$\bullet$ 15.40-16.20: J/$\psi$ production in PHENIX (R. Granier de Cassagnac, Ecole Polytechnique) [35+5]

$\bullet$ 16.20-16.45: Sequential charmonium dissociation (H. Satz, Bielefeld/IST) [20+5]

16.45-17.15: coffee break

Session III: High density QCD (Friday 10th, 17.15-Saturday 11th, 10.00),
Chairperson: H. Satz

$\bullet$ 17.15-17.55: Early thermalization in the CGC (E. M. Levin, Tel Aviv) [35+5]

$\bullet$ 17.55-18.10: Percolation and the critical temperature (C. Pajares, USC) [12+3]

$\bullet$ 18.10-18.35: Beyond asymptotic evolution (J. G. Milhano, IST/Algarve) [20+5]

$\bullet$ 18.35-19.00: Corrections to JIMWLK (J. L. Albacete, Ohio) [20+5]

Friday 10th, 21.00: workshop dinner

$\bullet$ 9.30-10.00: Nucleus-nucleus scattering in pQCD (M. A. Braun, St. Petersburg) [25+5]

Session IV: Cosmic Rays (Saturday 11th, 10.00-11.00),
Chairperson: J. Dias de Deus

$\bullet$ 10.00-10.30: Status of the Auger experiment (V. Olmos, USC) [25+5]

$\bullet$ 10.30-11.00: Collective effects in atmospheric showers (C. Espirito, LIP) [25+5]

11.00-11.30: coffee break

Session V: LHC (Saturday 11th, 11.30-13.35),
Chairperson: E. M. Levin

$\bullet$ 11.30-12.10: QCD at LHC (G. Rodrigo, IFIC) [35+5]

$\bullet$ 12.10-12.50: Photon-photon and photon-A physics at high-energy A+A colliders: from RHIC to LHC (D. d'Enterria, CERN) [35+5]

$\bullet$ 12.50-13.30: High density QCD at the LHC: theory (C. A. Salgado, La Sapienza) [35+5]

$\bullet$ 13.30-13.35: Closing (N. Armesto/C. Pajares) [5]

Nestor Armesto 2006-02-17